Home ยป Wrong Prosecution: Seeks preparation of petition, enforcement of guidelines in Supreme Court

Wrong Prosecution: Seeks preparation of petition, enforcement of guidelines in Supreme Court

A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court, highlighting the need to direct the government to give compensation to the victims of wrongful prosecution by the police or the authorities.

“Surprisingly, India, with a population of about 1.5 billion, has no effective statutory / legal mechanism for wrongful lawsuits due to police and prosecution misconduct, resulting in an epidemic of false cases that has not only resulted in the nation’s social taunts. -Ban has been destroyed, but also affected by the writ petition filed by Supreme Court advocate Ashwani Kumar Upadhyay, with concern over over 40 million cases, emphasizing over-judiciary.

The petition said that the government, in its 277th report on abortion of justice in 2018, did not bother to implement the recommendations made by the Law Commission of India.

The commission had prepared the report in November 2017 on the basis of the Delhi High Court order in the Bablu Chauhan case to “conduct a comprehensive investigation into the issue of relief and rehabilitation of victims of wrongful prosecution and harassment”.

Mr Upadhyay urged that, being the custodian of the Constitution and defender of the right to life, liberty and dignity, the apex court “may use its full constitutional power to prepare guidelines for compensation to the victims of wrongful lawsuits”. .

The plea states that innocents fall prey to malice of officers who use the criminal justice system to settle scores.

The petition states that there is no fear of prosecution by the courts and there has been an unprecedented surge in the filing of false cases due to the increasing tendency to implicate innocent people for the opposite purposes.

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