Home ยป Wrestler Geeta Phogat’s cousin Ritika found dead in the room

Wrestler Geeta Phogat’s cousin Ritika found dead in the room

17-year-old Ritika, cousin of Olympic wrestler Geeta Phogat, allegedly committed suicide in Charkhi Dadri, Haryana.

Police said the teenager was disappointed with the narrow defeat after losing in the recent Rajasthan state level wrestling championship.

Station House Officer, Jhozhu Kalan, Dilbag Singh told Hindu He was hanged on the phone by a family member when he checked his room after not going to dinner at an academy run by his uncle Mahavir Singh Phogat.

From Rajasthan, Kishore had been living with the Phogat family since 2016 and was training at the academy.

She lost the final of the wrestling championship by a whisker on 14 March.

“He was determined to win the championship, but a narrow defeat had left him extremely disappointed,” Mr. Singh said.

(People with a disturbed or suicidal tendency can call Sanjivani, Society for Mental Health, Delhi on 011-4076 9002, Monday-Saturday, 10 am-7.30 pm to seek help and counseling)

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