Home » Wistron to take another month to resume mass production of iPhones

Wistron to take another month to resume mass production of iPhones

According to sources, Apple’s contract manufacturer Wistron Corporation may take at least one more month to resume full production at the Narasapura plant in Kolar district.

iPhone maker Wistron announced on March 11 to resume its workforce in Karnataka on December 14, 2020, almost three months after resorting to violence and not paying salaries and overtime wages.

However, so far, only those working in one shift are involved in phone assembling and production activities, while employees deployed on the other two shifts are currently under training. They are engaged in learning and self-learning, as the rest of Vistron’s assembly / production lines are yet to be commissioned.

“Currently, only one production line is active and we are producing 500 to 600 iPhones a day instead of the usual number of over 3,000 units. Other lines have not yet been fully installed and therefore full production may take place after a time of one month to six weeks.

Meanwhile, officials from the state’s labor ministry will visit the Wistron plant to assess the situation after the company’s resumption.

State Labor Minister Shivram Hebbar told Hindu, “I have sought a detailed report from my executives about the current status of Vistron. They will visit the plant to assess the company’s production readiness and collect employee information such as how many people have joined, how many more to come on board.” Expected and for how long. “

According to reliable information, Wistron has allowed more than 6,000 contract personnel to return to work after crossing their credentials and background, while another 2,000 have also completed the required screening and now rejoin Awaiting the date.

“Some 1,000 people who were part of the riots have lost their jobs. However, all female employees have been withdrawn. In addition, we feel safe and protected because management is more responsible. We are also provided with proper convent and canteen facilities.

Wistron currently operates three eight-hour shifts with three overtime, as opposed to two 8-hour shifts and 4-hour mandatory overtime duty that was previously practice.

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