Home ยป Tamil Nadu Assembly Election | Thanathai Periyar Dravid Kazhagam to support DMK-led coalition

Tamil Nadu Assembly Election | Thanathai Periyar Dravid Kazhagam to support DMK-led coalition

It will carry out innovative campaigns in the constituencies where the BJP will contest the elections, the general secretary of the organization. Ramakrishnan told reporters in Coimbatore

Thanathai Periyar Dravida Kazhagam (TPDK) has decided to support the DMK-led Secular Progressive Alliance in the upcoming assembly elections. It will carry out innovative campaigns in the constituencies where the BJP will contest the elections, the general secretary of the organization. Ramakrishnan told reporters in Coimbatore on Sunday.

According to him, the TPDK chose to support the DMK front because the BJP which ruled at the center and the “AIADMK which was under it” had taken away radical social justice, state rights, linguistic rights and so on. Way for the return of ‘Manu Dharma’. Therefore, it became mandatory to defeat BJP and AIADMK. Only if the DMK returns to power will it be possible to stop the BJP’s juggernaut in the state, make Tamil Nadu a truly secular state and ensure social justice, he protested.

The AIADMK, which was allotted 20 seats to the BJP, was unfaithful to the ideals of its founder MG Ramachandran and the stance of former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, who in the last election asked people to choose between ‘women or Modi’, Mr Ramakrishnan said.

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