Home ยป Scientists bat for rainwater hose technology

Scientists bat for rainwater hose technology

According to scientists at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University’s Cotton Research Station at Veppanthatai in Perambalur district, the use of water to grow crops in the summer season will be more through rain hose technology than through a sprinkler system.

New, inexpensive spray micro-irrigation technology will be ideal for cultivation of onion, ground-nut and vegetable crops in Perambalur district. Rain hose is flexible with a pattern of drip holes made of nano-punching technology to ensure uniform flow of water, s. Somasundaram, Associate Professor and Head, Cotton Research Station, Vappanthaattai, said.

With the new technology, a small amount of water can be applied more often; Better control of leaching reduces fertilizer application and helps maintain optimal irrigation, resulting in maximum yield and good quality yield, Mr. Somasundaram said.

Automation of the system leads to rapid and healthy growth of plants and crops. The initial investment is very low compared to drip and sprinkler irrigation.

The rain hose ensures uniform and high flow rates of water with the right operating pressure and discharge rate, with closely shallow and shallow rooted crops such as onions and peanuts, vegetable crops, and leafy vegetables.

Clogging will not be a problem and it will occupy every type of soil. Assistant Professor Sakthivel said that easily portable rain hoses would reduce labor costs and would not require filtration.

According to Saravanan, a farmer who used the technique is quite user friendly. The rain pipe is effective for plants of about 1.5 feet in height in the absence of strong wind, he said.

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