Home » Myanmar nuns pleaded with junta forces to stop shooting protesters

Myanmar nuns pleaded with junta forces to stop shooting protesters

A nun sat down on her knees in front of policemen in northern Myanmar city and last month pleaded to stop the protesters who were protesting against the coup.

Eventually, however, she did not succeed.

In the video, Sister Ann Rose Nu Tavange was seen in a white robe and a black man who was kneeling on a street in the town of Mitkina on Monday, talking to two policemen who were kneeling.

“I requested him not to hurt the protesters, but to treat them like family members,” she told Reuters in an interview.

“I told them that they could kill me, I would not stand until they gave their promise that they would not be brutalizing the protesters.”

Tawang, who runs a clinic in the town, said he had received assurances from senior officials that they were clearing the road.

Tawang and one of the policemen are seen touching his forehead from the ground, but soon after, the bullets began to fire.

“We heard a loud gunshot, and saw that the head of a young child was ripped off, and there was a river of blood on the road,” Tawang said.

She said at least two protesters were killed and several others were injured.

A military spokesman and police in Myitkyina did not respond to requests for comment.

Tawang tried to bring some of the victims to the clinic before being blinded by tear gas.

“Our clinic floor became a sea of ​​blood,” she said. “We need to give importance to life. This made me very sad. “

Local media reported that the nuns also came between the protesters and the police line at the end of last month.

A lawyer group said that more than 60 people have been killed and more than 1,800 people have been killed in protests against the February 1 coup.

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