Home » MNM cadre against allocation of Virudhunagar seat to Allied alliance

MNM cadre against allocation of Virudhunagar seat to Allied alliance

With reports of intra-party vrangling in several Dravidian parties after allocation of seats among coalition parties, the trend has also caught Makkal Nidhi Maim.

The Virudhunagar district unit has threatened to leave N Massage if not withdrawn by MNM from its ally All India Samuthuwa Makkal Katchi (AISMK).

Speaking to reporters here on Friday night, the party Virudhunagar Central District Secretary, J. Kalidas said that the MNM candidate had secured 12,400 seats in Virudhunagar assembly constituency alone for Virudhunagar assembly constituency.

“This is despite the fact that the party got its symbol 18 days before the vote. We managed to get the symbol of the voters in a short time, ”said Mr. Kalidas. Party candidate Muniyasamy campaigned in Virudhunagar assembly constituency for a very short time.

Meanwhile, after the break-up of the COVID-19 epidemic, the Partisans reached out to people with a lot of welfare support.

“We have worked hard in the last nine months and won the trust of more people in the constituency. We are confident of a better performance in this election.

He said that the party district unit had chosen the district youth wing secretary, Peechmani as its candidate for Virudhunagar district.

“We are ready with a promotional vehicle and had planned for a two-wheeler road show on the day of the seat sharing announcement. However, we have expressed our disappointment to our party high command and told them that we will resign from the party and continue to work as Kamal Fans Welfare Club.

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