Home ยป KSP seeks out smaller version of Nada Geete

KSP seeks out smaller version of Nada Geete

The Kannada Sahitya Parishad (KSP) has written a letter to the Government of Karnataka requesting that its duration Nada geete Implementing a resolution passed by the organization in 2018, it will be shortened to 2.30 minutes.

In a release on Monday, KSP President Manu Baligar reported that in 2018, the KSP resolved in a meeting to make it easier to present Nada Geete composed by Kuvempu (‘Jai Bharat Janani Tanujate’) in public works. Will be done. He submitted the proposal to the government twice, but no action was taken in this regard.

In light of KSP Kannada and Culture Minister Arvind Limbavali reminding the government of the earlier proposal, he said that he would soon convene a meeting to discuss the issue of shortening Geete.

Currently some renderings last 8 to 10 minutes. Experts, musicians and academics at the meeting had said that this period has made it difficult for the elderly and supporters. He suggested that the repetition of lines and ConversationThe verses initiated between s are taken away without cutting the length of the text.

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