Home ยป Kazakhstan Security Agency-run aircraft crashes, four dead

Kazakhstan Security Agency-run aircraft crashes, four dead

Officials said an aircraft operated by the State Security Agency of Kazakhstan crashed into the Central Asian country on March 13, killing four crew members and injuring two others.

The former Soviet country’s emergency ministry said two survivors were hospitalized.

The ministry said that a Soviet-made N-26 two-engine turboprop crashed while trying to land at the airport in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city. The aircraft had flown Noor-Sultan from the capital, carrying only six crew members.

Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee said that it owns the aircraft. It said an investigation into the cause of the accident has been initiated.

The AN-26 was designed in the 1960s and was built in large numbers for both civilian and military use. Hundreds remain in service in former Soviet countries and other countries around the world.

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