Home » Jai Kisan Movement launched ‘MSP Loot Calculator’ to show the loss to farmers

Jai Kisan Movement launched ‘MSP Loot Calculator’ to show the loss to farmers

Yogendra Yadav, founder of the Jai Kisan Movement, said that the government had been claiming that “MSP was, is and will remain”, forcing farmers to sell below the minimum support price and suffering huge losses over the years.

The Jai Kisan movement on Thursday launched an “MSP loot calculator”, which will calculate the losses suffered by farmers when they are forced to sell crops below the minimum support price.

According to Avik Saha, national convener of the Jai Kisan Andolan – a nationwide movement dedicated to the rights of farmers, the calculator will share new data every day displaying the harm done to farmers in different parts of the country. The different types of crops that they grow.

“The aim is to expose the government’s false propaganda that the farmer is getting the government-declared MSP,” Sahab said.

He said that loot calculators about various crops in various states and new findings about the damage done by farmers will now be shared daily on the social media pages of Jai Kisan Andolan.

“From now on, every day the Jai Kisan movement will release data of the plunder of the farmer in any state, any market or any crop,” Mr. Saha said.

He said the calculator would use data from the government website Agmark.net to narrow down its findings.

Obtaining a written guarantee on the MSP has been one of the major demands by farmers who have been protesting against three agricultural laws at several Delhi borders for more than 100 days.

Yogendra Yadav, founder of the Jai Kisan Movement, said that the government had been claiming that “MSP was, is and will remain”, forcing farmers to sell below the minimum support price and suffering huge losses over the years.

According to the findings of the “MSP Loot Calculator”, farmers have lost Rs 140 crore by selling their crops below the minimum support price during the first 15 days of March, sales of chana (Bengal gram) alone, Mr. Yadav claimed.

He said, “If this trend of selling below MSP price continues and the government does not intervene, then the farmers will be robbed of oot 870 crore this year.”

However, he said that this “loot” was not new.

“Farmers were robbed of ers 884 crore for their gram crop in the year 2020-21 as they got MS 800 less than the MSP. From the farmers in the last year of 2019-20. 957 crore was looted. This trend continues every year as the government has not made any arrangement for the purchase of gram, ”claimed Mr. Yadav.

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