Home » Indigo Consulting, PWW to merge digital marketing teams

Indigo Consulting, PWW to merge digital marketing teams

Publicis Groupe has announced the integration of its Indigo Consulting’s digital marketing teams with Publicis Worldwide to provide a full suite of brand building communications services from mainline, digital and social to creative to strategy, with data at the center A 300-member agency is being formed. .

Now, IndiGo Consulting, led by Rajesh Ghatge (CEO) and Jose Leon (COO), will continue to build on its core strengths and further invest in deep technical capabilities.

Anupriya Acharya, Group CEO, South Asia, said, “It makes imminent sense for us. Communication services are no longer viewed by platforms, i.e. by creative agencies for mainline platforms and digital agencies for digital platforms.

“More and more clients want to work with an agency that can offer holistic strategic and creative solutions to solve their marketing problems. In fact, the epidemic has only increased the need to be digital at the heart of our solution approach, ”she said.

“I see it as a win for all. The Indigo Digital Communications team is already working with PWW teams at many of our top clients. By bringing them together under a common leadership, we can now provide our customers with a more integrated solution and a more seamless brand custodianship. This is a transformative step, ”said Subhash Kamath, CEO, BBH and Publicis Worldwide.

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