Bharat Biotech President and Managing Director Krishna Ella said on Wednesday that the company developed Kovaxin as a reason and did not make money.
“As a company, we took it as a reason, not to make money but to help the country and save the lives of people,” he said in a video message about an interim phase 3 by the company The test results were shared with a statement of covaxin that showed 81% efficacy.
Tracing the stages in the development of the indigenous vaccine, he said that Bharat Biotech participated in the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in March-April and received a strain from the National Institute of Virology, Pune on 1 May. “Since then, our journey on covaxin development began,” he said, citing challenges with lockdown, including the unavailability of reagents. The company overcame them and employees worked day and night at the BSL3 containment facility in Hyderabad to make it happen.
Mr. Ella said that he thanked the people and volunteers involved in the development and said that many people over the age of 60 participated in clinical trials, including a man and woman aged 93 and 91 in Aligarh. . The 25 trial centers were well distributed across the country to ensure that the population was properly represented. There were four sites in the central region, two in the eastern, five in the northern and seven each in the southern and western regions.
The interim data has been submitted to the Drugs Safety Monitoring Board and a detailed analysis will be presented to the subject expert committees of the CDSCO. To criticize the company said that “our data is not transparent and not in the public domain,” he said “I am proud to say that we have 6 publications. If people have the patience to read those articles needed. ”
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