Home ยป Commercial tax revenue in the state doubles, says C.S.

Commercial tax revenue in the state doubles, says C.S.

Bihar Finance Service officials met Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar at BRKR Bhavan on Tuesday.

During a conversation with Bihar officials, the Chief Secretary spoke about the implementation of GST in the state of Telangana. He accepted that Chief Minister K. Under the guidance of Chandrasekhar Rao, the state has achieved rapid progress in expanding the tax base resulting in a doubling of commercial tax revenue in the last five years.

He said that the rationalization and reorganization of the department was done twice in 2018 and 2020. The Economic Intelligence Unit was formed to conduct research and analysis in specific sectors of the economy and identify potential revenue areas. The use of technology, applications and data analytics and a shift from a person-based system in the state to commercial tax administration to tax-driven administration have helped the state achieve tremendous success in tax revenue realization.

Director General MCRHRD Harpreet Singh, Commissioner Commercial Taxes Neetu Prasad and other officials attended the meeting.

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