Home ยป Cachar SVEEP campaign set ‘Rangoli’ record

Cachar SVEEP campaign set ‘Rangoli’ record

Messages on local motifs and voting, combating drugs, planting painted trees on the street

The Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) campaign has created more than 8 kilometers of ‘Rangoli’ (art on the floor or ground) in Cachar district in southern Assam.

District Deputy Commissioner Kirti Jalli joined the students, women self-help groups members, tea garden workers, security personnel and other volunteers while painting on the road within Barkhola Assembly constituency on Sunday.

The current world record for the longest rangoli or street art is 4 km. We did a little over 8 km Hindu, That messages on local motifs and polling, planting drugs, planting saplings were planted.

Polling in the constituencies of Cachar district is on April 1. District officials are using the mascot sweet (Sweet girl) to inspire people to come out and vote.

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