Home ยป Beijing is troubled by dangerous yellow smog

Beijing is troubled by dangerous yellow smog

Poor air quality was due to a sandstorm in northern Mongolia, moved south by wind and reduced visibility in Beijing to less than 1,000 meters, state media reported.

Beijing was surrounded by a thick yellow smog on March 15 as sand uptake in China’s capital increased pollution to dangerous levels.

City residents used goggles, masks and hair nets to protect themselves from the choking air, including landmarks including the Forbidden City and the state broadcaster’s exclusive headquarters. Cctv Partially obscured behind an apocalyptic-looking pail of mist.

The city government ordered all schools to cancel sports and events and advised people with respiratory illnesses to stay inside.

Poor air quality was due to a sandstorm in northern Mongolia, moved south by wind and reduced visibility in Beijing to less than 1,000 meters, state media reported.

The buzz of the orange haze triggered an online buzz – more than 54 million views on the social media platform Weibo as of 15 March morning. Some users said that Vayu is reminiscent of an apocalyptic science fiction film Interstellar.

One Weibo user said, “This orange-red sandstorm looks like the end of the world.”

According to air quality monitoring website Aqicn, pollution in the city was at “dangerous” levels.

It states that the level of PM10 large particulate matter is about 20 times higher than the daily maximum risk of the World Health Organization.

The small PM2.5 particles, which seep deep into the human lungs and cause respiratory diseases, were also at dangerous levels of 567 on March 15 – more than 20 times the daily limit recommended by the WHO.

China dramatically cut its national average level of PM2.5 between 2015 and 2019 and the government announced an ambitious target to reach carbon neutrality by 2060.

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