Home » Assam Assembly Election | Clear stance on CAA, Assam students’ team asks parties

Assam Assembly Election | Clear stance on CAA, Assam students’ team asks parties

The All Assam Students Union (AASU) has asked all political parties in the poll-bound state to clarify their latest position on the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA).

The students’ body has decided to hold a two-wheeler rally across the state on March 20 to eliminate controversial legislation and increase support for its anti-CAA campaign.

“The BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) ignored the Assam Accord and prepared a roadmap to destroy Assam by dumping illegal migrants on the state. The indigenous people of Assam and the AASU were and will continue to oppose it, ”said AASU President Deepika Kumar Nath.

“Five people killed in anti-CAA [protests] But it did not dissuade people from protesting. The people of AASU and Assam have rejected this law and will never accept it, ”he said.

‘Struggle with agreement’

AASU states that the CAA, which intends to protect non-Muslim migrants entering India from three neighboring countries as of 31 December 2014, is opposing the Assam Accord. The agreement was signed by the Rajiv Gandhi government in 1985 and it orders the detection and deportation of all immigrants who, despite their faith, entered Assam after midnight of 24 March 1971.

It was also the cut-off date for updating the 1951 civil register.

He said, ‘We have not been exempted from what has been said by the Assam Accord. Accepting a group of immigrants after 1971 will destroy the language, culture and literature of Assam and reduce indigenous communities to a minority, ”Mr. Nath appealed to all indigenous communities to be cautious.

In an attempt to polarize voters on religious grounds before the elections, the AASU president, along with his regional allies, slammed the BJP, seeking to retain power. He asked the party as well as others to clear their stand on the CAA.

The BJP said it is committed to the CAA, which is being used by rivals to instill fear in the minds of indigenous people. The Congress-led grand alliance said it had hijacked the anti-CAA strategy of the new regional front, promising to end “communal legislation” if it came to power.

Congress is the only party that has launched an anti-CAA campaign and appealed to the people to reject all parties that support CAA.

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