Home » Assam Assembly Election 2021 | CAA says give employment, not Congress

Assam Assembly Election 2021 | CAA says give employment, not Congress

The party receives over 70,000 applications for its job guarantee program.

The youth wing of the Assam Congress on Friday launched the party’s third election campaign. The campaign slogan is “CAA” Noahi, Sakori Praise (Give a job, not a CAA) ”. “With this campaign, we intend to create awareness about polarized, amended citizenship act and jobs in each booth,” said Congress leader Bobita Sharma. Some of the party’s promises included job guarantees, a law to prevent the implementation of the CAA and NRC, and raising the daily salary of tea plantation workers to ₹ 365 within 30 days of the arrival of electricity, and up to 200 units of free electricity per house is.

He said that the party has received more than 70,000 applications for its job guarantee program within 24 hours of starting the roadshow campaign. One of the five jobs promised by the Congress after coming to power in Assam is guaranteed.

Other guarantees are bringing in a law that prevents implementation of the CAA and the National Register of Citizens, raising the daily salary of tea plantation workers to ₹ 365 within 30 days of getting electricity, up to 200 units of free electricity per house, and all 2,000 as monthly income support to housewives.

Party president Ripun Bora said, “Assam is on its way to fulfill its dream of a progressive future with its youth for the Congress’s job guarantee program, for which more than 70,000 applications have already been received online.”

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