Georgia Harrison’s ‘sex video in garden’ has taken over social media. The row is still on in the court, but it turns out that after reportedly posting a XXX video of him and Georgia Harrison having sex, STEPHEN Bear supposedly earned close to £40,000 through OnlyFans. Yes, that’s quite a big amount. When Bear appeared in court, the question of whether or not that was good money was raised. The Celebrity Big Brother winner testified from a witness box that he received more offers to participate in the reality show. His NatWest account had approximately £13k in debt in the weeks prior to allegedly uploading the film to the XXX platform, according to evidence presented in court. Georgia Harrison’s ‘Garden Sex Video’ Recorded by Ex Stephen Bear and Uploaded on OnlyFans, Reality TV Star Denies Allegations in Court.
While he was in Dubai, Bear, 32, claimed he learned the sex tape had been made public through Instagram DMs. He told Chelmsford Crown Court: “I got offered almost £50k to do Celebrity Big Brother again, so it depends on what you call good money.” He further told the court: “I’m getting messages on Instagram calling me names – a vile piece of s***, nonce. They were personal attacks. There must have been over a thousand. So I heard about it in the DMs. ‘I can’t believe what you did to Georgia’. Georgia who? ‘Georgia Harrison’.” Georgia Harrison’s ‘Garden Sex Video’ recorded by ex Stephen Bear that was then uploaded on the XXX site OnlyFans has taken over the 18+ sites and the court.
He further said: “So I looked on her stories and I was like ‘woah. It’s something you don’t hear everyday. I believe I messaged her saying ‘what are you doing?’” Before they had sex in his sunbed store on August 2, 2020, Bear acknowledged that he “got trashed” after a drunken lunch with Georgia. On a 30 inch screen in Bear’s kitchen, seven CCTV cameras are visible. For security, he also has three dogs and large gates. While filming the reality show The Challenge, Bear first got to know Georgia. However, their relationship ended after he kissed two other women the night of Georgia’s apparel launch. Georgia reported the video to OnlyFans on December 7 of that year, and the following day, OnlyFans cancelled his @hollywoodbear account.
On December 9, she dialled 101 to report it to the police. His NatWest bank account had a negative balance as of October 1, 2020, according to information presented before Chelmsford Crown Court. Then, it entered the credit column after payments of thousands of pounds was paid by Phoenix International Ltd, the company that runs OnlyFans.
OnlyFans receives a portion of creators’ earnings. Both the prosecution and defence concurred that on November 8, his account delivered the video in a locked private message. With 273 of his 1,061 followers paying $9.99 to watch the locked video, the creator would have made $2,181.82 from just that one clip.
The trial goes on. OnlyFans doesn’t traditionally provide porn like or, but it is super popular amongst fans! Even celebs like Cardi B Mia, Khalifa, Bella Thorne, Tyler Posey, and Blac Chyna are coming closer to fans. OnlyFans provides you with options to subscribe to content. XXX website, OnlyFans models thrived in the year 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdown as people lost their means to earn money.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Dec 10, 2022 03:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website