SC petition seeks hybrid form for nationwide court hearings

SC petition seeks hybrid form for nationwide court hearings

It said that hearing through paperless e-filing and video-conferencing of judicial records can save people’s lives.

A petition has been filed in the Supreme Court seeking to resume the physical hearing of the cases with an ongoing video-conferencing mode in all courts and tribunals across the country.

The apex court is currently hearing cases through video-conferencing since March last year due to the COVID-19 epidemic and several times bodies, and has been demanding bodies and attorneys many times to have physical hearings immediately Must begin.

However, the new Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition filed by advocate ML Sharma in his personal capacity has a hybrid mode of hearing, wherein litigants and lawyers will be free to choose the mode of hearing.

The petition states that the state should be pleased to issue appropriate writ instructions for providing / arranging video systems for judicial proceedings across India in the interest of justice.

It said that hearing through paperless e-filing of judicial records and video-conferencing would save lives because carriers of the COVID-19 virus have been found in the papers.

The plea states that many registrars and employees of this court and handling paper books are suffering from COVID-19. Many litigants have been prone to infection while visiting the court premises…,

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