WhatsApp is finally rolling out one of the most requested features from its users — the ability to move WhatsApp chat history across platforms (mobile operating systems). The Facebook-owned company made the announcement at Samsung’s Galaxy Unpacked event today (August 11). The option to move WhatsApp chat history from Android phones to Apple iOS devices and vice versa is first coming to Samsung phones, starting with the Samsung’s brand-new Galaxy foldable phones — Galaxy Z Fold 3 and Galaxy Flip 3. Users around the world can start to use this feature on Samsung devices that run Android 10 or higher in the coming weeks.
What exactly is the feature all about
WhatsApp is giving users the ability to move their entire WhatsApp chat history – including voice notes, photos and conversations — when they change phones with running on different operating systems. This means that users no longer need to worry if they change smartphones and the switch is between two different operating systems. As the feature ensures that users will be able to switch between the platforms of their choice, and take not lose their WhatsApp history. This means that Apple iPhone users who want to move to Samsung’s new foldable phones need not worry about losing their WhatsApp history due to movefrom Apple iOS to Google’s Android operating system. As they can seamlessly transfer all their chats across platforms now.
The feature will be available to users of both Android and iOS systems – which means that people will be able to switch from both Android to iOS, and from iOS to Android. It will start to roll out on Android initially, and on Samsung’s newest Galaxy phones as already mentioned above. To start, users will be able to take their WhatsApp history from Apple iOS to an Android device, and in the coming days will be able to do the same on Apple iOS devices (from Android devices to Apple iPhones).
WhatsApp has so far not made it clear when the feature will roll out to other Android devices. The feature will be available on Android smartphones running on Android 10 or higher.
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