A video has surfaced on social media showing a former sarpanch from Gujarat’s Mehsana district showering notes worth lakhs from the top of his house during his nephew’s wedding event in Kekri tehsil. The video has gone viral on social media. Razak, the nephew of former Sarpanch Karim Yadav, was on a wedding procession in the village when the former sarpanch and his family members went to the roof top and showered money on people gathered to witness the celebrations. Meanwhile, the Bollywood song Azeem-O-Shaan Shehenshah from Jodha Akbar can be heard playing in the background as people are seen picking up the notes. Uttar Pradesh: Cop Slaps Woman Selling Flowers Outside Temple in Gorakhpur, Probe Ordered After Video Goes Viral.
Man Showers Notes in Mehsana:
Gujarat के मेहसाणा जिले में पूर्व सरपंच के भतीजे की शादी में लाखों रुपए हवा में उड़ा दिए गए।
– 100 और 500 के उड़ाए गए नोट।
– वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर तेजी से Viral हो रहा है। pic.twitter.com/JG6CKFJ38C
— Shubhankar Mishra (@shubhankrmishra) February 18, 2023
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