Vahan ‘looking for 5,000 blue collar jobs a month’

Vahan ‘looking for 5,000 blue collar jobs a month’

Wahan, an AI-enabled livelihood platform, claimed that it found employment for 5,000 blue-collar workers every month through its WhatsApp-based chatboat, Mitra.

The platform reported a 400% increase in blue / gray-collar job placements last year with logistics, delivery and BPO being the lead hunters.

According to Vaihan, it currently has a user base of 5 million and adds over 2.5 lakh people every month.

Madhav Krishna, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Vahan said, β€œThe blue-collar segment is an under-served market in India with a large workforce. Our partnership with WhatsApp allows us to connect employers and job seekers in a better way that facilitates better livelihoods and financial inclusion. ‘

The platform claimed that Mitra has emerged as India’s employment exchange 2.0 for more than 300 million blue-collar workers in the country.

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