The bill is one of several House Democrats who are voting early in Congress on a number of priorities such as homosexuality, homosexual, bisexual and transgender rights, policing and the environment.
The Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a major election reform bill that would update voting procedures and require states to begin the task of re-creating congressional districts for independent commissions.
The bill passed by a mostly bipartisan vote of 220 to 210.
The law, called “HR 1” for importance “Demo 1”, “is designed to restore the voices of Americans who left out and feel shut down for too long,” at its core. The sponsor, Representative John Sarbanes, said in remarks outside the US Capitol before the vote.
The bill is one of several House Democrats who are voting early in Congress on a number of priorities such as homosexuality, homosexual, bisexual and transgender rights, policing and the environment.
Democrat President Joe Biden has said he would sign the legislation if he approves both the House and Senate.
But the bills face long odds in the Senate, where all 48 Democrats and two independents who caucus with them will have to join 10 Republican senators to overcome a filming.
“We’re going to do everything in our power – I think Chuck Schumer is going to do everything in his power – to make sure that the agenda we’re working on and promises people is really I will have the agenda that we have put forward and hopefully pass, ”Representative Stenny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat, told a news conference on Tuesday.
Already, some Democrats have given fire training to Filmbuster and called for its elimination. Hoyer called it “undemocratic” on Tuesday, while James Clyburn, a No. 3 Democrat, described how it was used to deny the rights of black citizens.
A move to destroy the filmbusters would be fiercely opposed. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has repeatedly said he would “never” vote to get rid of it, while Biden has said he opposes reversing it.
Some Democrats have suggested that a carved settlement may be possible.
When asked about the possibility of a carving-out for voting rights issues, Georgia Senator Rafael Warnock told a reporter on Tuesday, “I think the issues are urgently necessary to leave all options on the table.” “
Democrats have argued that legislation is necessary to reduce barriers to voting and to make the American political system more democratic and accountable to voters.
But Republicans say it will wrest power from states and fail to do enough to counter fraud, and an influential right-wing Heritage Foundation think tank has urged lawmakers to vote against it.
The bill has special significance this year as the US Census Bureau prepares to turn over the population data states used to redevelop congressional district maps before the 2022 elections, in which each House legislator’s seat graves. Is for.
States use various criteria and procedures to make maps. In 33 states, state legislatures control at least part of the process, the National Conference of State Legislatures states.
Parties with control of state legislatures have often curtailed the power to draw maps that benefit the party in power. Some states have also used this process to target black voters.
The measure also comes as lawmakers in 43 states, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, have introduced legislation to impose greater limits on voting.
Several states, including Georgia, where Warnock and Democrat John Osoff were politically harassed in January, have introduced legislation to change the election process, which activists say make it harder for people to vote.
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