Two-wheeler to police officers – Hindu

Two-wheeler to police officers – Hindu

Superintendent of Police Ravali Priya on Saturday gave two-wheelers to police officers specially handed over with complaints of crimes against women, child marriage and child abuse.

Director General of Police JK Tripathi had recently directed all district SPs to pay special attention to complaints received from women and children. Victims or complainants do not even need to go to the stations. This helpline number was sufficient to call 100 or a unique number – 1098 helpline.

The SP, giving bikes to personnel at the Armed Reserve Police Ground, said that the purpose of providing the vehicles was to ensure that the investigating officers arrive on the spot without any trouble as their immediate presence will instill confidence and prevent any other untoward incidents. Will help .

The SP also said that police personnel will file cases and secure the accused without delay. Vehicles were also provided to all the women police stations of the district.

The district police had recently organized an awareness-cum refresher program for officers here, which included cases of child abuse and crimes against women.

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