In a shocking incident, 35-year-old Adivasi Banothu Hanumanathu of Adivasi Basti – an evictor, who was associated with Adigadakishtapur village, suffered a cardiac arrest on Monday and died in a government hospital. He is survived by his wife and three children – a 14-year-old boy and two 10 and 7-year-old girls.
Tanda, with some 60 houses and a population of 200, will drown in Mallanasagar in the next few months.
The residents of this tribal colony have been under severe pressure to evacuate the village for the last five days and most of the residents are reluctant to vacate the village and have repeatedly made it clear to the authorities. Unable to withstand the pressure, some villagers decided to shift to the new rehabilitation and resettlement colony coming to Mutarajapalli and hired transport vehicles to shift their belongings on Sunday. However, at the last moment he decided against making the shift as the amount given to him was given as compensation, which was less than what was offered earlier and worse was that the authorities did not hand over the check to him.
On Monday, some officials of the revenue department came to Tanda and started measuring open spaces. This increased the pressure on Hanumanathu, who had fallen ill almost a year earlier. Sri Hanumanathu developed a cardiac problem and was immediately transferred to a government hospital where he died.
“Mr. C. Hanumanathu has lost two acres of land for the canal a few years ago and has not been compensated for it as he was given the land. Now he is losing another three acres, for which officials said that he No compensation will be given as he was given the land. Further no package was given to his mother either. All this has increased the pressure on Sri Hanumanathu which stopped his heart rate and later he died, “one of Tanda Another resident Banothu Raju told Hindu.
“Mr. C. Hanumanathu lost nearly two acres of land in the Pranhit-Chevelala Canal almost a decade ago and was not compensated as government land. A check has been prepared in his name and we have already shown it to him. Have given and told him that it will be handed over to him along with others. His death was not related to the payment, “said a revenue official, on condition of anonymity, admitting that the general pressure, faced by all others Going, it may be the reason.
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