The Supreme Court heard a petition for investigation into alleged corruption in the lease of private hospital land in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

The Supreme Court heard a petition for investigation into alleged corruption in the lease of private hospital land in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

A division bench of Justices Naveen Sinha and Krishna Murari expressed the possibility of hearing the petition of Amit Chandrakar.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear on March 12 on a petition seeking direction to the CBI to investigate the alleged corruption along with the lease of land of private hospital properties in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

A division bench of Justices Naveen Sinha and Krishna Murari is likely to lift a petition filed by Amit Chandrakar in connection with Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Hospital Pvt Ltd to investigate the alleged criminal conspiracy and financial fraud of government leased land.

Amit Chandrakar belongs to Chandulal Chandrakar, who represented the Durg seat in Parliament from 1970 to 1991 and was one of the first people to demand a separate state of Chhattisgarh.

The petition, filed through advocate Ashwini Kumar Dubey, also demanded an inquiry by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office and stated that as per the terms of the lease deed, it was not allowed to be mortgaged to take loan from the bank, however, the corporation and Corporation bank officials took fresh loans and took out money.

“The petitioner filed a representation to the concerned authority to take action as per law against corruption in Chandulal Chandrakar Memorial Hospital Private Limited in connivance with Municipal Corporation, Bhilai, as it has not taken any action against the management of M / Chandulal Chandrakar . Memorial Hospital Private Limited (CCMH), which has violated the terms of the lease. It is submitted that the authorities concerned have not taken any action.

The petition stated that as per the lease deed, the land could not be sold and transferred, however, under suspicious circumstances, the bank started the e-auction of the entire project.

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