Home » Thawe in India, Pakistan to benefit Farooq Abdullah for the benefit of Jammu and Kashmir

Thawe in India, Pakistan to benefit Farooq Abdullah for the benefit of Jammu and Kashmir

National Conference (NC) President Dr. Farooq Abdullah said on Sunday that there should be the latest agreement between India and Pakistan on the ceasefire as “both countries have to increase friendship and prosperity or continue hostility at the cost of prosperity”.

Read also: Farooq Abdullah challenged ED’s order to attach his assets

“Peace is in the great interest of the region, especially the people of both countries are longing for good relations. Both countries are spending a large part of the budget on defense procurement, which deprives the welfare of their poor population, ”Dr. Abdullah, Member of Parliament from Srinagar.

He said that “the people of Jammu and Kashmir will benefit immensely” in the relations between India and Pakistan.

He said, “Enmity at the borders only prevents agricultural and economic activities to the occupants and the afflicted, and affects the lives of every section of society.”

He said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir wish this latest journey a success. “As former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee rightly said that change you can change your friends but not your neighbors”. Either the two countries have to increase friendship and prosperity or hostility will have to continue at the cost of any prosperity.

The former Chief Minister said that the matter of upgrading Section 370 was not only Kashmir-centric, but much more important for the regions of Jammu and Ladakh.

Dr. Abdullah said, “To save the people, especially from the elite people of Jammu and the affluent people of the neighboring states, Maharaja Hari Singh brought the law.”

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