Tamil Nadu Assembly Election | Seaman who contested from Thiruvotriyur

Tamil Nadu Assembly Election |  Seaman who contested from Thiruvotriyur

Seeman, the coordinator of the name Tamilar Kachi, presented the party’s 234 candidates – an equal number of women and men – at a public meeting held in Royapetta, Chennai.

Seated on either side of the stage with 117 men and 117 women candidates, Mr. Seeman made a speech while standing at the center and focusing on his favorite subjects – making agriculture a government enterprise, eradicating corruption, criticizing the policies of the Dravidian parties do. Greatness of Tamil language and culture. However, after announcing that he would meet DMK President MK Stalin in Kolathur, Mr. Seeman announced that he would seek election from Thiruvotriyur in Chennai.

Referring to the same number of female and male candidates, he said, “It is our duty. We do not say that a woman is equal to a man. We treat men and women as equal. If our women are not free, then we cannot free our land.

Mr. Seaman said that he was going alone because there was no qualified ally who was ready to stop corruption. “I am not ready to lose the final victory to a temporary defeat. we have a dream. We stand for the truth, and we will win, ”he said.

“Wait and see. I will give pension to farmers over the age of 60. We are importing food but exporting cars. I will reverse the trend. They announced successive governments of the Dravidian parties, including farmers. The farm loan waiver was sought to save the bank from drowning in debt.

Legendary filmmaker Bharathiraja was present.

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