Tamil Nadu Assembly Election | Authorities begin efforts to increase voter turnout at 173 polling stations

Tamil Nadu Assembly Election |  Authorities begin efforts to increase voter turnout at 173 polling stations

Election officials of Chennai district will conduct SVEEP (Systematic Voter Education and Electoral Participation) activities at 173 polling places with less than 50% turnout in previous elections in 16 assembly constituencies of the city.

An official said, “We are planning to conduct an awareness program at the doorstep of the residents. We have already started an awareness program in commercial areas by visiting every shop.

Tamil Nadu Assembly Election |  Authorities begin efforts to increase voter turnout at 173 polling stations

The Chennai District Election Office is planning to distribute leaflets while supplying essential items to the houses.

Officials said many polling stations located in planned residential areas, such as Anna Nagar, have polled less than 50% in previous elections. The Vilivakkam assembly constituency recorded less than 50% of the polling stations during the last parliamentary elections. In 2019, a total of 32 polling stations recorded less than 50% turnout in Villivakkam section. In the 2014 parliamentary elections, polling was low in Vilivakkam in 19 polling stations. The number of low-voting polling stations in Villivakkam in the 2016 assembly elections was 22.

In the Anna Nagar assembly constituency, 20 polling stations had very low turnout in the last election.

“People in well-planned residential areas are not ready to vote. This election, we will focus on increasing voting in such areas,” said an official.

T. In commercial areas like the city, corporation officials have started visiting shops to explain the importance of voting to customers. T.Nagar Assembly constituency recorded the lowest turnout of 50.41% during the last parliamentary elections.

The highest voter turnout in the city was in 2019 in Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar Assembly Constituency (69.42%).

Most of the polling stations in the constituencies of Royapuram, Kolathur, Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar, Perambur and Thiru VA Nagar have recorded better turnout than other constituencies in the city. Only three polling stations in Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar, Royapuram and Kolathur recorded less than 50% turnout during the last elections in 2019.

Officers of the Chennai Corporation will conduct awareness in each house and study the reasons for low turnout in the areas connected with the three polling stations at Royapuram, Kolathur and Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar.

Thirty polling stations in Velachery and Saidapet reported less than 50% turnout in 2019 parliamentary elections.

Officials said that SVEEP activities in such areas will intensify this week.

On Sunday, SVEEP activities were organized at the book fair and at the Namma Chennai Selfie Point at Marina Beach. Cultural programs were held at places to create voting awareness.

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