This year on India’s biggest and most auspicious festival of Diwali, darkness will descend a little early on the Sun as the world will witness its second on Surya Grahan around dusk. The astronomical event is also known as the ‘Black Moon’ that happens when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, leading to the star’s total or partial occultation. Solar Eclipse 2022 will be visible in India on October 25, Tuesday. There are several bizarre-sounding superstitions around this cosmic occurrence that you might not know. A little room for myths concerning Surya Grahan views Solar Eclipse as an inauspicious event attracting bad omens. If you have a curious head, continue scrolling to read about some old and odd Indian superstitions that weave around Solar Eclipses. Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022: Know Surya Grahan Timings and Places That Will Get To Witness the Incredible Astronomical Event.
According to Hindu mythology, a demon, Rahu, which also has an independent body known as Ketu, swore revenge against the Sun and the Moon based on ancient folklore. Due to this, he catches up with the giant fireball and the Moon, swallowing them during eclipses. The incident doesn’t last long because Rahu has no hands to grasp these two celestial gods. Based on these mythical figures, people have been practising some strict rules during the Surya Gragah during Sutak, when the atmosphere is contaminated. Additional precautions should be taken to prevent contamination’s destructive side effects.
Here Are Some Activities People Avoid During Solar Eclipses:
1. Consuming and cooking food items during Sutak is rigorously prohibited. Hence one should eat during the twelve hours before the Grahan.
2. Temple doors and Puja rooms at home are closed during the Solar Eclipse. Deities’ idols must be washed first with the holy Ganga water post-eclipse before worshipping.
3. People secure themselves from evil effects by chanting mantras, bhajans and devotional songs during Surya Grahan.
4. Some individuals in India leave tulsi or Indian basil leaves on cooked food items and wrap them to keep them safe.
5. Pregnant women are also instructed not to step out during an eclipse as it is stressed that this can harm the foetus.
6. Folks also don’t do oil massage, brush their teeth, comb their hair, or get involved in sexual activities.
However, these superstitions and myths are debunked by scientists and astronomers as there is no scientific proof that the Solar Eclipse can affect human behaviour, health and the environment.
(The information provided here is based on beliefs and legends only. Before applying any information in real life, consult the concerned expert.)
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on Oct 17, 2022 04:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website