The Mizoram IAS Association has supported the state’s Director of Higher and Technical Education Nazuk Kumar, who was asked by an influential student union to leave the department to avoid “conflict” and “communal issues”.
The Mizo Students Union (MSU) wrote to Ms. Kumar, a 29-year-old IAS officer of the AGMUT cadre, on 8 March, advising them to make room for a Mizo officer and join another department because “non-local” such Should not hold an important (higher and technical education) post as it involves the career of indigenous students ”.
The AGMUT extends to Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Mizoram and Union Territory.
Expressing concern over the steps taken by MSU against Ms. Kumar, the association released a statement on Friday in support of her. It stated that the main reason for students seeking their replacement was due to apprehension of contention during the upcoming selection of candidates for technical courses if a non-Mizo officer oversees the process.
“The Union would like to express its honest opinion that the dispute, if it has happened in the selection of candidates for technical courses, cannot be designated for commission and omission as the head of the department of a non-Mizo officer only. “Higher and technical education. It is rather a matter of following the given norms,” the association said.
It states that such disputes can be avoided if the rules and laws prescribed by the government are strictly followed for this purpose. “The question of being a Mizo or a non-Mizo does not arise in the face of such a selection process being inadvertently or intentionally wrong. Therefore, the apprehension on the aforesaid basis is considered unfounded.
It added that an attempt to deny an officer only his rightful place in his future position is in poor taste due to suspicion of his future performance and, worse still, free him from legitimate official post on the pretext of being non-Mizo Trying to do . This, the association pointed out, is most likely tampering with the communal color, which would not be in the best interests of students in particular and the Mizo society.
“Therefore, the association strongly believes that it will be for justice and in the public interest. A congenial environment will have to be created for fragile Kumar to continue to work peacefully in his new job,” the statement said.
Scores of MSU members tried to prevent Ms. Kumar from appearing in office on 9 March. He was transferred from Chandigarh to Mizoram in January as Additional Secretary in the Department of Information and Communication Technology of the state.
He was soon made the director of the Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs of the state and was transferred to the Higher and Technical Education Department three days later.