Tag: Udumalpet

  • Gift bag with pictures of AIADMK leaders at Udumalpet

    Gift bag with pictures of AIADMK leaders at Udumalpet

    According to sources, the total value of the gifts was around 1 lakh.

    Officers of a flying squad, along with photos of AIADMK leaders, seized 151 cloth bags containing gifts within the limits of Udumalpet assembly constituency late on Saturday night.

    According to revenue department sources, Udanadaste visited Pethappampatti near Udumalpet at around 11 am on a tip-off basis. Officers found bags of clothes in a mini truck, each of which belonged to former Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, Chief Minister Edappadi. Palaniswami, Deputy Chief Minister o. Of Panneerselvam and Minister Udalvali. Radhakrishnan had paintings with ‘two leaves’. symbol.

    Shri Radhakrishnan is an MLA from Udumalpet constituency who has been re-elected for the upcoming assembly elections. Sources said that each bag of clothes had a dhoti, a sari and a watch and the total value of the gift was around 1 lakh. The vehicle along with the bag was seized and taken to Udumalpet Taluk office. Further investigation is underway.

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