Pathaan, which released in theatres on January 25, has turned out to be a blockbuster at the box office. Starring Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the lead. The film grossed over Rs 590 crore worldwide within a week of its release. Amul Topical has celebrated not just the success of the spy action thriller, but even SRK’s blockbuster comeback. It mentioned in its caption, “The Badshah of Bollywood makes comeback with blockbuster!” Pathaan Box Office Collection Day 6: Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone and John Abraham’s Film About to Reach Rs 600 Crore Mark Globally.
Amul Topical Pays Tribute Pathaan Star Shah Rukh Khan
#Amul Topical: The Badshah of Bollywood makes comeback with blockbuster!
— (@Amul_Coop) February 1, 2023
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