Another 80,461 persons received COVID-19 vaccine in Tamil Nadu on Thursday, the total number of vaccinated persons being 12,06,164 – 4,53,081 health workers, 2,99,846 border workers, 2,82,999 senior citizens and 1,70,238 persons. Were received. With comradeships between 45 and 59 years of age.
A total of 32,313 persons over the age of 60, 22,025 persons aged 45,025 and 59 years with comorbidities, 16,411 frontline workers and 9,712 health workers were vaccinated in 2,293 sessions.
With 31,509 seniors, 21,548 comorbidities, 16,111 frontline workers and 9,311 healthcare workers were covished.
On the other hand, 804 seniors, 477 individuals with combinations, 401 healthcare workers and 300 frontline workers took kovaxin as their vaccine of choice.
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