NEW DELHI: Xiaomi is all set to launch its latest 5G smartphone in India. The company has started sending out media invites for the launch of the Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G smartphone. The invite sent by the company reads, “We are gearing up for another exciting launch. With the Slimmest and Lightest phone packed with global 5G bands, Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G is set to offer loaded performance.”
Xiaomi has scheduled the virtual launch event for September 29, where it will launch the smartphone. Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G is also the first smartphone of the company which is launching without the Mi branding. Recently, Xiaomi announced that it is dropping Mi branding from its future products. The company said, “Being a leading technology brand with a strong presence across the globe, our aim is to have a unified presence. With this new logo shift, we envision bridging the perception gap between our brand and products. The new Xiaomi logo will be used for our premium products that represent the pinnacle of technology and offer a premium experience. Ushering in the festive season, Xiaomi’s premium product series ‘Mi’ will be renamed to ‘Xiaomi’”.
To recall, Xiaomi recently launched the Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G smartphone in Europe. The company is expected to launch the same variant in India. The company is also expected to price this latest smartphone under Rs 35,000 in the country.
Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G specifications
The smartphone comes with a 6.55-inch full HD+ display with 1080×2400 pixel resolution. The display offers a 90Hz refresh rate and is protected with a coating of Corning Gorilla Glass 5 on top. It is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G processor and runs Android 11 operating system.
Xiaomi 11 Lite NE 5G comes in two variants — 6GB + 64GB and 8GB+ 128GB. The mid-range smartphone sports a triple rear camera setup with a 64MP main camera with f/1.79 aperture, 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens with f/2.2 aperture and 5MP telemacro camera with f/2.4 aperture. The front is home to a 20MP selfie camera with an f/2.4 aperture.
Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NE comes with an IR blaster and houses a 4250mAh battery with 33W fast charging support.