Tag: summer

  • Residents urged to use water judiciously in summer

    Residents urged to use water judiciously in summer

    Mayor Premanand Shetty says that the water in the dam at Thumbe has been kept at 6 meters and will continue to flow for 10 days.

    Believing that the water stored at the Thumbe Statue Dam for supply to the city would run till the end of May, Mayor Premanand Shetty on Wednesday asked people to adopt water rations between March and May.

    Speaking after performing Ganga Puja to Netravati at the dam, Mr. Shetty said that the water at the dam is now maintained at 6 meters and the flow of water will continue for the next 10 days.

    He said that regular monitoring of the city’s drinking water till the start of the monsoon and the AMR dam, which is upstream of Thumbe, would not be a problem. To use water judiciously.

    Re has Rs 35 crore work in the dam complex under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme. This includes construction of a 20 MLD (million liters per day) capacity water treatment plant. Jack wells were being upgraded to improve pumping capacity. Under the Jalasiri scheme, 87.7 MLD water treatment plant was being upgraded. He said that action is being taken to exploit 5% of the water which is going into the drain in the form of backwash water and this will provide an additional 8 MLD of water.

    “Many water works will be completed in the next few days and more water will be available for the citizens,” he said.

    Drone survey

    Former mayor m. In response to the demand for water storage in Thumbe up to 7 meters by Shashidhar Hegde, the Mayor said that the MCC planned to retain water at 6.6 meters. Accordingly, a survey of the land that will be submerged has been carried out using a drone and the report will be submitted to the Tehsildar. “Once the land is submerged, we will send a proposal to the state government for allocation of funds,” he said.

    Mr. Shetty said that he has spoken to Deputy Commissioner KV Rajendra and asked him to advise AMR dam personnel not to generate electricity in these three months and instruct the Thumbe dam to release water whenever necessary. He said that steps have been taken to ensure the right mix of chemicals for water treatment and supply of clean drinking water to the people.

    Earlier, Mr. Shetty, Deputy Mayor Sumangala, former Mayor Diwakar, Mr. Hegde, and Bhaskar K., Leader of Opposition in MCC Council Abdul Rauf and in-charge MCC Commissioner Dinesh Kumar attended the event.

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