Legendary Bollywood actor- director Satish Kaushik passed away on Thursday morning at the age of 66. Many celebrities remembered the actor and paid their tribute. Acclaimed sand artist Sudarsan Patnaik paid tribute to veteran actor with his sand art at Puri beach and shared pictures in a post on Twitter. Along with a sand sculpture of Satish Kaushik, he wrote a message that said, “Deeply saddened by the sudden demise of actor, director and writer #SatishKaushik Ji. My deepest condolences to his bereaved family and followers. Om Shanti. My SandArt at Puri beach.” Satish Kaushik Funeral Update: Salman Khan Arrives at the Late Actor’s Residence to Pay His Last Respects (Watch Video).
Check The Tweet Here:
Deeply saddened by the sudden demise of actor, director and writer #SatishKaushik Ji. My deepest condolences to his bereaved family and followers. Om Shanti. 🙏
My SandArt at Puri beach. pic.twitter.com/kUTsdE9mnJ
— Sudarsan Pattnaik (@sudarsansand) March 9, 2023
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