In a viral video from Tamil Nadu’s Nilgiris district, a young man can be seen mercilessly beating a wild Indian Gaur with a stick. The Forest Department is on the lookout for a man, who attacked the injured gaur near the Ketti Engineering College in Ketti. The video shows the stick-wielding man repeatedly hitting the animal on its head and the wild gaur can be seen mock charging at the man in self-defense. The person, who recorded the cruel incident, could be heard calling on the man to stop beating the poor animal, and even telling him that it was hurt. Animal Cruelty: Dog Thrashed to Death with Sticks in Delhi; Two Men Booked
Humans Losing Humanity
The cruelty of people never ceases to amaze. Here, an injured Indian gaur is attacked by a man wielding a stick in Ketti, #Nilgiris.
Shouout to the concerned dudes filming.
TW: Profanities @supriyasahuias
— Rohan Premkumar (@ThinBrownDuke26) November 30, 2021
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