On Monday, a woman identified as Shidika Ubr took to social media to reveal a heartwarming incident that took place with her in Bengaluru. In her post, Shidika said that she lost her Apple AirPods while traveling in an auto. “Half an hour later this auto driver who dropped me at WeWork showed up at the entrance & gave it back to security,” she said. She also said that the auto driver connected the AirPods to find the owner’s name and then used his PhonePe transactions to reach out to her. Interestingly, netizens are surprised by the tech savviness shown by the auto driver of Bengaluru. Viral Video: Girl Jumps off Speeding Autorickshaw To Escape Molestation Bid in Aurangabad, Terrifying CCTV Footage Surfaces.
Auto Driver Returns AirPods
Lost my AirPods while traveling in an auto. Half an hour later this auto driver who dropped me at WeWork showed up at the entrance & gave it back to security. Apparently, he connected the AirPods to find the owner’s name & used his PhonePe transactions to reach me. @peakbengaluru
— Shidika Ubr (@shidika_ubr) November 15, 2022
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