Tag: Royal Idgah Management Committee

  • Petition against attempt to remove signs of Lord Krishna temple in Mathura

    Petition against attempt to remove signs of Lord Krishna temple in Mathura

    The lawsuit was filed on February 2 by Pawan Kumar Shastri, a priest of the Keshav Dev Temple.

    Mathura, a court here filed a petition on Tuesday attempting to remove temple signs from a mosque, claiming to have been built in the premises of Katra Keshav Dev Temple at Lord Krishna’s birthplace here.

    District government lawyer Sanjay Gaur said that a temple priest had filed a petition by the office bearers of the royal Idgah mosque to remove the insignia of the temple.

    The court has considered the application as part of a lawsuit in which a 1967 court allowed the existence of a mosque near the temple, seeking confirmation of a land deal between the Sri Krishna Janmasthana Seva Sansthan and the Shahi Idgah Management Committee Granted.

    The lawsuit was filed on February 2 by Pawan Kumar Shastri, a priest of the Keshav Dev Temple. The next hearing in the case is on 8 April.

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