The XXX website has launched ‘Remastured’ that brings back some of the oldest movies to life. The ‘Remastured’ project uses Artificial Intelligence to restore old sex scenes. The new form of XXX scenes and videos see AI help restore and colorise NSFW content from almost 125 years ago. The porn giant harnessed machine learning and 100,000 adult images and videos to teach the AI how to colorize the films (perhaps it also learned a thing or two about how people passed the time 100 years before smartphones). also shared a campaign video on YouTube, check here.
Several algorithms were used to restore the films with “limited human intervention,” according to PornHub. The process started by reducing noise and sharpening and contrasting images. The videos were boosted to run in 4K at 60 frames per second, and audio was either remastered or a new soundtrack was added.
The titillating movies that PornHub has restored include The Kiss from 1896, which featured the first smooch captured on film. Fun fact: the 18-second movie was distributed by a holding company for Thomas Edison’s manufacturing firms, and PornHub says it was “denounced as shocking and obscene to viewers” at the time. The library of 20 scenes also includes 1897 short from legendary filmmaker Georges Méliès called After the Ball, which includes simulated nudity. The XXX porn site recently took down millions of videos from unverified users in an ongoing investigation. Pornhub said that the claims are untrue but are now verifying the content that’s been uploaded to the XXX site. Even major credit card companies Visa and MasterCard investigated their business relationship with Pornhub and revealed that they would no longer allow their cards to be used on the XXX platform. Also, in the efforts to make safer the XXX website has now decided to have a “biometric system” in place to verify users. shutdown row has surged after over two million people signed the petition against the adult porn website to shut it down. The “Shut Down Pornhub and Hold Its Executives Accountable for Aiding Trafficking” petition aka #Traffickinghub campaign on founded by Laila Mickelwait and powered by the anti-trafficking organization Exodus Cry. The petition further reads how, “A quick search for the word “teen” turns up titles such as “Young Girl Tricked,” “Innocent Brace Faced Tiny Teen F—ed”, “Tiny Petite Thai Teen”, “Teen Little Girl First Time,” on and on ad infinitum.” One of the incidents that the petition cites is that of a 15-year-old girl who went missing for a year. Her video was later found on Pornhub. Petition Against XXX Website Pornhub Receives Two Million Signs Demanding The Porn Site To Shut Down for Sex Trafficking & Child Rape Videos. has recently been banned in Thailand. The XXX porn lovers protested asking the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society for reasons behind the porn ban in the country. The laws state that Porn websites such as, xVideos, xHamster,, YouPorn, HClips, NaughtyAmerica etc. must follow certain processes and scrutiny protocol when it comes to hiring their pornstars or hosting a porn video. Apart from a clear contract containing what is expected from them, the contract must be fool-proof. Even amateur porn sites such as,, hire people to act for their XXX videos following a set of rules and regulations.
(The above story first appeared on Morning Tidings on May 20, 2021 10:45 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website