Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh’s kind gesture at a fan event in Mumbai, on Sunday, has won the heart of millions of fans. While promoting his upcoming comedy entertainer film Cirkus at the Malad Masti event in Mumbai, the ‘Ram Leela’ actor noticed a small child crying and getting pushed in the crowd, when he was leaving the event. Deepika Padukone Gets Competitive As She Tells Ranveer Singh She Was the First to Work With Rohit Shetty.
Noticing his plight, Ranveer picked the kid up to protect him from the chaos and carried the child in his hand, making sure he safely got back to his custodians. Ranveer’s fan clubs shared the actor’s video on social media which went viral and the fans praised the ‘Kill Dill’ actor’s kind gesture. “Awww Wowww that’s so sweet of you yaar Super Star RS. Love you Hero,” a fan commented. Cirkus: Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone Posing Together With the Paparazzi During ‘Current Laga Re’ Song Launch Is Super Adorable (Watch Video).
Another fan wrote, ” Love you Ranveerrrr.” In the event, Ranveer was seen interacting with his fans. Helmed by Rohit Shetty, ‘Cirkus’ also stars Johnny Lever, Varun Sharma, Jacqueline Fernandez, Pooja Hegde, Sanjay Mishra, Ashwini Kalsekar, Mukesh Tiwari, and Siddharth Jadhav among several others.
Set in the 1960s, ‘Cirkus’ trailer revolves around Ranveer in a dual role, with both the twins unaware of each other’s existence. Varun Sharma too plays a double role in this family entertainer.
Check Out Ranveer Singh’s Viral Video Below:
Cirkus marks Ranveer and Rohit’s third collaboration after Simmba (2018) and Akshay Kumar-starrer Sooryavanshi, where Ranveer made a cameo appearance. The film is scheduled to release on December 23. Recently the makers of ‘Cirkus’ unveiled the official trailer and the first song of the film ‘Current Laga’ which got massive responses from the audience.
Apart from ‘Cirkus’, Ranveer will also be seen in Karan Johar’s Rocky aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani along with Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Jaya Bachchan, and Shabana Azmi.
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