Tag: race

  • Royals comments raise race issue in Commonwealth countries

    Royals comments raise race issue in Commonwealth countries

    Meghan and Harry traveled to South Africa in 2019, where their imminent split with the royal family became apparent and they spoke of possibly living there.

    In countries with historical ties to Britain, accusations by Prince Harry and Meghan that an unnamed member of the royal family had “concerns” over the skin color of their unborn child have raised a thorny question: Are those countries really so close Want to join Britain and its royal family now? The interview was expected to bring further changes in the royal family. It now appears to risk divisions within the “family” of the Commonwealth – a confederation of 54 countries, most of which are former British colonies, together with historical ties.

    Following a TV interview shown in the US on the eve of Commonwealth Day, former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull cited it as another reason for breaking the constitutional ties of the country’s British monarchy.

    “Turnbull told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation,” After the end of Queen’s rule, it’s time for us to say: Well, we’ve crossed that watershed.

    “Do we really want whoever is the head of state, the king or queen of Britain, to be the head of state automatically? The value of the Commonwealth has been debated before, with critics questioning whether Countries and peoples have once colonized? And even oppressed – should remain in such a relationship with a former colonist. It aims to improve international relations, but diplomatic misunderstanding of Britain’s relations with members And are clouded by the Empire’s legacy. In a speech to mark Commonwealth Day. On Monday, the Queen spoke of a “sense of unity”. Charismatic royals such as Harry and Meghan have been involved in events involving young people at Commonwealth-related events in the past, Deployed with businesses and volunteer groups.

    But this week’s interview “opens our eyes” to the Commonwealth’s merits, Nicolas Sengoba, a newspaper columnist in the former Uganda colony, wrote.

    He cited “unresolved issues” in his country related to the abuse of colonialism and alleged that given the allegations, heads of Commonwealth countries should “take pride in having dinner” with members of the British royal family.

    Meghan, who is a biracial, said in an interview that an unidentified member of the royal family had expressed “concern” about the color of her child when she was pregnant with her son, Archie, and when she was trying to help him. I failed the palace. Had suicidal thoughts. Buckingham Palace said the allegations of racism by Harry and Meghan on Tuesday were “related” and would be addressed privately by the royal family.

    The response to the interview was particularly fierce in Africa. It was encapsulated in South Africa by a Twitter user who wrote: “This is Britain and the royal family. what did you expect? They tortured us for years. Meghan and Harry traveled to South Africa in 2019, where their imminent split with the royal family became apparent and they also spoke of possibly living there.

    Read this also. Buckingham Palace ends silence on allegations of Harry, Meghan racist

    Mohammed Groenwald, who showed him around a mosque in Cape Town, was still digesting the interview, which was shown only in South Africa on Monday. But he said that, more than anything, it evokes memories of “British colonial racism”. “It turns out very clearly,” he said.

    In Kenya, a former colony where a young princess Elizabeth was visiting in 1952 when she came to know of her father’s death and thus became queen, the news of the interview also appeared in the country’s newspapers.

    Nairobi resident Sylvia Wangari, referring to Mehrani, said, “We feel very angry because of our fellow African sister being upset.” No discrimination Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau declined to comment on the interview. He said that many institutions in Canada are built around colonialism and systemic racism, including Parliament, and added that North Canadians want to listen to those who face discrimination so that the institutions can be cured.

    “The answer is not to suddenly toss all institutions and start over,” Mr. Trudeau said.

    “I wish all the members of the royal family the best, but my focus is going through this epidemic. If people want to talk about constitutional change later and our system of government which is fine, and they are in those conversations I can, but I’m not having those conversations right now. “Leader of the opposition New Democratic Party, Jagmeet Singh, said the monarchy” is not beneficial to Canadians in terms of their everyday lives. ” “And the systemic racism with which we have seen it seems in that institution as well,” he said.

    The interview was not shown on TV in the Commonwealth’s most populous member country India with 1.3 billion people, but it was nonetheless covered by the media and evoked negative reactions from the public towards the royals.

    “There are elegant aspect ideas throughout that are not so elegant.” Fashion writer Meenakshi Singh said.

    Lawyer Sunaina Phool said the Commonwealth was “relevant to the royal family, certainly because it shows that they ruled in many places.” I don’t know why we are still a part of it. ”

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