Tag: Poll

  • TN Assembly Election |  Revenue Minister says that single day poll is a reflection of good law and order situation

    TN Assembly Election | Revenue Minister says that single day poll is a reflection of good law and order situation

    Beginning his election campaign in Marvanakulam, Madurai, Udhayakumar sought votes for the symbol of the two wives.

    Revenue Minister RB Udayakumar said here on Saturday that the Election Commission’s decision to hold elections in Tamil Nadu on a single day was a reflection of good law and order situation.

    Beginning his election campaign in Maravanakulam, Madurai, the minister, along with his supporters, visited two places seeking votes for the Leave symbol.

    When the ECI announced to hold elections in West Bengal in eight phases, a day’s voting in TN showed that all is well here. “If the DMK comes back to power, law and order will not be the same. The common man and small sellers will be under constant threat from antisocial people, ”he claimed.

    They kept asking people whether they ever faced any problem with any AIADMK officer or any complaint or dispute was interfered by any party in the police stations, which used to be an order when the DMK ruled the state. did.

    He said that at a time when opposition parties were expressing concern over the rise in the prices of LPG refills, Chief Minister Edappadi. Palaniswami has assured to provide six free refills to BPL families in a year, he said.

    The AIADMK government said, fulfilled all its promises made in 2016. During the COVID-19 epidemic, CM himself visited every district and held review meetings with officials, which not only prevented the virus from spreading rapidly, but also caused many casualties. Postponed Such was the proactive approach of the government.

    Putting their lives in danger, all the elected representatives of the AIADMK also reached the needy. In Madurai, the minister said that he himself took the initiative to provide food to COVID-19 patients in hospitals and Kovid care centers for about 150 days through the Amma Charitable Trust.

    When such was the reality, the DMK and other rivals remained indoors all through an epidemic criticizing the government. When the Center and several other state agencies commended the Tamil Nadu government for its commendable role in containing the COVID-19 epidemic, the DMK leaders, who were unable to feed, issued misleading statements, Mr. Udayakumar alleged .

    During his campaign, the Revenue Minister promised to examine the modalities of giving free house space to the homeless in his constituency as his own contribution.

    Referring to the slogan “Peace, Development and Development” by late AIADMK leader Jayalalithaa, she said that the voters of Tamil Nadu would again elect the AIADMK and promised that the public would be well protected under the leadership of Mr. Palanisamy.

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  • TN Assembly Election |  Poll staff expect better facilities this time

    TN Assembly Election | Poll staff expect better facilities this time

    Complaints are about the lack of basic facilities at the place where they have to live.

    More than four lakh government employees and school and college teachers, who have been entrusted with election duty, are expecting better facilities in polling stations, which will be handed over on April 6, the day before the voting.

    Complaints about the availability of food at the time of polling in the place where they have to stay, the availability of food near the polling station, the remote location of the station in case of absence of transport services are among the factors for accepting polling duty. I am reluctant, he says.

    JACTTO-GEO g. One of Venkatesan’s co-ordinators says: “Although they are eligible for a postal vote after a polling station has been handed over the day before polling day, they are usually busy figuring out where they reach. Can. ” . In their hectic, some of them do not receive their postal votes. There should be a system in which they are given a letter on voting duty only after casting their postal vote. “

    A teacher at a women’s college in the city says that the lack of washroom facilities and housing near the polling station is often the reason why many women employees are not expected to be assigned for election duty.

    Another government employee states that most of them are over 50 years of electoral duty and have high blood pressure and diabetes. “Naturally, they have to eat on time. Instead of paying money, packets of breakfast and lunch could be made available to them through the local bodies on the day of polling. Local police stations can take care of the needs of all police personnel deployed in their jurisdiction. “

    “The Transport Department should operate special night service buses after the last bus for polling staff, so that they are not abandoned after handing over EVMs and VVPATs to police personnel,” he says.

    When Hindu Contacted the Chief Electoral Officer Satyavrat Sahu, he said: “We are very cautious on this. From time to time, we have been instructing our election machinery that minimum facilities, as the Commission wishes, should be provided. It is non-negotiable and we are ensuring that. “

    “Even after that, if there are some cases or if some deviations are noticed, then we will be strict in this. We will ensure that all the facilities provided by the Commission are made available to the people involved in the election work. “

    After his postal vote was cast only after the government employees were allowed to proceed on polling duty, as some of them have not been able to collect them on time, Mr. Sahu said government officials have been entrusted with election duty . .

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