Actress and singer Shehnaaz Gill has won the hearts of her fans once again. Recently, the actress attended Lokmat Awards 2023 in Mumbai and during the event, Shehnaaz was asked to sing, but she paused on hearing the azaan. In the video she can be seen standing quietly with her mic waiting for the azaan to finish. A video of the same is going crazy viral on internet, with many praising Shehnaaz for her respect towards the Islamic call to prayer. Bigg Boss 16 Winner MC Stan and Shehnaaz Gill Pose Together at an Awards Show in Mumbai (Watch Video).
Check The Video If You Have Missed:
Shehnaaz Gill waited before performing inspite of being insisted at the Lokmat Digital Creator Awards 2023 when she heard the sound of #Azaan.
her being respectful is a great example of how we all can respect each others beliefs & live harmoniously in this beautiful country! 👏
— Akassh Ashok Gupta (@peepoye_) February 23, 2023
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