Netizens on Saturday grilled Indian Railways on social media after a Rajdhani Express passenger shared a picture on Twitter showing a cockroach in an omelette he ordered on the Delhi-Mumbai train. According to Yogesh More’s Twitter post, he ordered an extra omelette for his two-year-old daughter while travelling on the Rajdhani Express. When the egg dish arrived, he was shocked to find a cockroach in the omelette. “16dec2022, We travel from Delhi by (22222). In the morning, we ordered extra omelette for baby. See attach photo of what we found! a cockroach? My daughter is 2.5 years old if something happened so who will take the responsibility,” wrote More. Maggots Found in Meal of Passenger Travelling in Deccan Queen Express; IRCTC Fines 25,000 to Mumbai Based-Caterer.
Cockroach in Omelette:
Inconvenience regretted. Sir, kindly share PNR no and mobile no in Direct Message (DM)
-IRCTC Official
— RailwaySeva (@RailwaySeva) December 17, 2022
Sick and Degenerate Reply, Says User:
Sick and degenerate reply from Railway. But you can do nothing.
— Praful (@circuswatcher) December 17, 2022
Indian Railways Slammed:
Tumhaarey kitchen ki haalat dekhi hai kabhi ekdum 3rd class khaana serve kartey ho humesha. Jab chai hi itnaa gatiya rehtaa hai toh baaki chizen toh chodh hi doh.
— JHA VISHAL MANOJ (@vishaljha006) December 17, 2022
User Blasts Indian Railways:
What inconvenience?if standards of hygiene cannot me made, it should be compensated by financial remuneration. If I travel without ticket,can I just say “inconvenience regretted for financial loss to railways”double standards….
— Fickle Mind (@FickleMind77) December 17, 2022
‘So Called Premium Train’ Says User:
The quality of food getting served in called the premium train for which you pay premium amount….
— Aditya Srivastava (@rahu9093) December 17, 2022
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