The Pathaan fever has taken over the world. With fans from India to Germany dancing to the beats of Jhoome Jo Pathaan and falling in love with Shah Rukh Khan’s latest blockbuster, Pathaan has truly marked the return of Bollywood to all its glory. And the latest to fall in love with Pathaan is none other than Adult film actor Kendra Lust. The well-known actress took to her social media to pose sultrily before Pathaan’s poster, congratulating the team on the success of the movie. Kendra has shared her love for SRK’s Pathaan over the past, right from her sensational dance to the groovy title track of the movie. Shah Rukh Khan’s Fan Trolls Kangana Ranaut, Tweets Pathaan’s First-Day Collections Is Her Lifetime Earnings.
Star Kendra Lust Congratulate Pathaan and Team
Star Kendra Lust Congratulate Pathaan and Team (Photo Credits: Twitter)
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