A heartwarming video of a small school boy delivering a fiery speech about democracy on the occasion of Republic Day is going viral on social media. The video was shared by Twitter page Voice Of Malegaon. As per reports, the video is from a school in Maharashtra’s Jalna as the boy gives his speech in Marathi. In the video, the boy explains what democracy means to him. The 1-minute 15 second video clip opens with the boy extending Republic Day greetings to his teachers and classmates. As the video moves further, the boy says from this day onwards democracy began in the country. The boy further says that he likes democracy as one can fight, make friendships, and even live peacefully with love. However, he says that he loves to be mischievous and travel. The little boy says that his father doesn’t hit him as he believes in democracy. The video, which has now gone viral on social media also shows the boy explain how democracy has different definition for his father and his teachers. Wonder what he said. Watch the video to know more. ‘Ghost’ Woman Seen in Viral Video of ‘Aatma’ From Aligarh Speaks Out, Says Being Condemned Because She Is a Widow.
School Boy Explains What Democracy Means to Him
Listen to this school boy’s mesmerising speech on #Democracy and #RepublicDay and know what democracy means to him. In an endearing manner, he speaks his heart out and tells us how his father and teacher have different perspectives on democracy. #Marathi #RepublicDay2023 pic.twitter.com/VIKpKvu1ls
— Voice Of Malegaon (@VoiceOfMalegaon) January 29, 2023
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