Tag: Illegal liquor deal

  • Uproar in Bihar assembly over allegations of opposition on minister

    Uproar in Bihar assembly over allegations of opposition on minister

    Leader of Opposition Tejashwi Yadav urged the Speaker that the adjournment motion be taken up for discussion on Revenue and Land Reforms Minister Ram Surat Rai’s alleged involvement in the liquor business in this arid state.

    There was a stir in the Bihar Assembly on Saturday when the opposition demanded to raise the issue of alleged ‘involvement’ of Revenue and Land Reforms Minister Ram Surat Rai in the illegal liquor business, due to which the house was adjourned till noon. was given.

    Before the proceedings commenced at 11 am, Leader of the Opposition Tejashwi Yadav got up from his seat and urged the Speaker that a stay motion in the matter of Mr. Rai’s alleged involvement in the liquor business be taken up for discussion. .

    Speaker Vijay Kumar Sinha said that he had received the notice, but the motion would be considered at a “reasonable time”. He said that the Question Hour should move forward.

    A tejaswi Yadav indicated to his party colleagues and MLAs of Congress and Left parties that the time had come to leave the house and he also did a walkout as Health Minister Mangal Pandey started reading the answer to a short notice question by the RJD MLA . .

    By noon, when the zero hour commenced, the opposition MLAs were back in the House. The Speaker of the Assembly rejected the adjournment motion by RJD MLA Rekha Devi.

    However, after Mr. Yadav arose, he was allowed to read the motion and requested this effect. Subsequently, RJD’s successor clarified that he had some “evidence” against Mr Rai, which he wanted to put before the House.

    Mr. Rai is eyeing a storm over a four-month-old case. The BJP leader seized a large number of liquor cartons in November last year from a school building in Muzaffarpur district, a fortnight before winning the Aurai seat. The school is named after Mr. Rai’s deceased father Arjun Rai.

    Mr Yadav has been accused of suspecting the minister’s involvement in the illicit liquor business, pointing out that he was named as its founder in school documents. In addition, one of his brothers, the manager of the school, has been named as an accused in the FIR.

    The minister retaliated on the allegations of opposition, saying his brother was “one of the 13 people named in the FIR, the rest were linked to the RJD”, while insisting that the complexity of those named as accused was still under scrutiny. Was in

    While training Mr. Rai, Mr. Yadav, for his guns during the assembly session, he also mentioned the deceased father of the minister. A strong exception was taken by Deputy Chief Minister Tarkishore Prasad.

    Opposition legislators then jumped into the well and raised anti-government slogans, causing the Speaker to adjourn the proceedings at around 12.15 pm, after which, he spent some time sitting in front of the Speaker’s chamber.

    Later, Mr. Yadav marched on foot towards the Raj Bhavan, barely a kilometer away, saying he would apprise the Opposition Governor Fagu Chauhan of his efforts to “muzzle the voice of the opposition”.

    Earlier, Mr. Yadav held a press conference at his residence, where he displayed pictures of the inauguration of the school, in which Mr. Rai could be seen.

    Minister Mr. Yadav reiterated his demand for dismissal from Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, saying, “How can the minister lose his hands on the matter, which includes an asset and an institution he is so deeply involved in.”

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