Industrialist Gautam Adani has announced to fund treatment of a four-year-old girl Manushree who has hole in her heart. A Twitter user recently posted about Manushree, who lives in Sarojini Nagar area of Lucknow. According to the post, doctors at the Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGI) have estimated a cost of Rs 1.25 lakh for Manushree’s treatment, which her parents cannot afford. Reacting to the post, Gautam Adani said he will ensure her treatment is done and she gets back to school. Adani Group To Invest USD 150 Billion Across Businesses To Join Elite Global Club of Companies With USD 1 Trillion Valuation.
Gautam Adani To Fund Treatment of Four-Year-Old Heart Patient Manushree:
Manushree will be fine very soon. Have asked @adanifoundation to get in touch with her family and ensure that the family gets all possible help that it needs to get Manushree back to school playing with her friends.
— Gautam Adani (@gautam_adani) November 13, 2022
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